Actress Anukriti Sharma who landed in a controversy over the issue of "skin show" in an under production movie "Papa" is said to be marrying a Tollywood hero. Anukriti filed a case against the director of the Telugu movie "Papa" for putting pressure on her to act in sleazy manner.
Both Anukriti and the movie's director Yogesh are now at loggerheads and have approached the police. While the heroine's version is that Yogesh is blackmailing her to act in completely sleazy way, the director refutes her allegations. She signed the movie after having heard the storyline which requires her to do some skin show as per the story's requirement, he says.
According to him, she was happy doing the movie all along but she changed her mind after she fell in love with a person.
Sources say Anukriti who acted in the title role of Ram Gopal Varma's controversial movie "Sridevi" is now in relationship with a Tollywood hero who is in his late 40's. The actor is known as chronic bachelor. He has acted in Telugu, Hindi and Tamil movies and is a known figure at national level.
He reportedly promised her to marry her pretty soon.
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