Here's the Greek God of Bollywood Hrithik Roshan falling at the feet of the princess-like Pooja Hegde from their upcoming film, Mohenjo Daro. In the film, Hrithik plays Sarman, an indigo farmer, and Pooja plays Chaani, daughter of a priest in the centuries old ancient city.
Both Hrithik and Pooja have been relentlessly promoting Mohenjo Daro ever since the trailer was released. They on-screen and off-screen chemistry has been the most talked about since the beginning of the shooting. We will have to see if their sizzling chemistry will transform into box-office success on August 12. -
Both Hrithik and Pooja have been relentlessly promoting Mohenjo Daro ever since the trailer was released. They on-screen and off-screen chemistry has been the most talked about since the beginning of the shooting. We will have to see if their sizzling chemistry will transform into box-office success on August 12. -
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